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24/7 Eavesdropping Detection System
Police/Sp. Forces, Surveillance24/7 Eavesdropping Detection System is a stationed intelligent system that detects eavesdropping/bugging devices...

Inert Training Products
Police/Sp. ForcesIED recognition and defeat are critical skill sets which demand deliberate focus and emphasis when training ...

Contraband Detector
Police/Sp. ForcesThe contraband detector is a compact, lightweight, rugged, handheld density meter designed to aid law enforcemen...

LX6 Polygraph System
Brain Fingerprinting, Police/Sp. ForcesLafayette Instrument Company is the world’s leading manufacturer of Polygraph instrumentation and equipment, dis...

Ultraviolet Inspection Tools
Physical Inspection, SurveillanceResearch Electronics International, LLC (REI) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Electronic Detectio...

OTK-4000 Inspection Toolkit
Physical Inspection, SurveillanceResearch Electronics International, LLC (REI) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Electronic Detectio...

Hawkeye® V2 Deluxe Video Borescope
Surveillance, Video InspectionResearch Electronics International, LLC (REI) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Electronic Detectio...

VPC 2.0 Video Pole Camera
Surveillance, Video InspectionResearch Electronics International, LLC (REI) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Electronic Detectio...

VPC 2.0 Deluxe Video Pole Camera
Surveillance, Video InspectionResearch Electronics International, LLC (REI) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Electronic Detectio...

ANG-2200 Acoustic Noise Generator
Audio Security, SurveillanceResearch Electronics International, LLC (REI) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Electronic Detectio...

CMA-100 Countermeasures Amplifier
Audio Security, SurveillanceResearch Electronics International, LLC (REI) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Electronic Detectio...

TALAN™ 3.0 Telephone & Line Analyzer
Surveillance, Telephone & Line InspectionResearch Electronics International, LLC (REI) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Electronic Detectio...

ORION™ HX Deluxe Non-Linear Junction Detector
NLJDs, SurveillanceResearch Electronics International, LLC (REI) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Electronic Detectio...

ORION™ 900 HX Non-Linear Junction Detector
NLJDs, SurveillanceResearch Electronics International, LLC (REI) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Electronic Detectio...

ORION™ 2.4 HX Non-Linear Junction Detector
NLJDs, SurveillanceResearch Electronics International, LLC (REI) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Electronic Detectio...

ORION™ HGO-4000 Non-Linear Junction Detector
NLJDs, SurveillanceResearch Electronics International, LLC (REI) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Electronic Detectio...

ANDRE™ Deluxe Near-field Detection Receiver
RF Detection, SurveillanceResearch Electronics International, LLC (REI) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Electronic Detectio...

OSCOR™ Green Spectrum Analyzer
RF Detection, SurveillanceResearch Electronics International, LLC (REI) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Electronic Detectio...

OSCOR™ Blue Spectrum Analyzer
RF Detection, SurveillanceResearch Electronics International, LLC (REI) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Electronic Detectio...

Bomb Locator with Data Logger – SENSYS SBL10
EOD, SurveillanceCSSPakistan in association with SENSYS - one of the Leading German Providers of Magnetic and Electromagnetic Sur...

EOD, SurveillanceCSSPakistan is proud to be associated with SENSYS - one of the Leading German Providers of Magnetic and Electrom...

Sharpshooter 5010-VE Mobile Security Screening Vehicle
EOD, Police/Sp. Forces, VehiclesSharpshooter Series 5010-VE is a multi-purpose Mobile Checkpoint Screening Vehicle which provides up to 100% wea...

iCognative – A Game-Changing Science that Detects Concealed Information Stored in Brain
Brain Fingerprinting, Police/Sp. ForcesCSSPakistan is proud to be associated with Brainwave Science – a thought leader at the forefront of emerging and...

UHF/VHF Products
CommunicationThis radio supports the very latest in radio communications technology. With an output RF power of 4...

SurveillanceUV214 Series Video Distribution Amplifier (VDA) UV214 Series Video Distribution Amplifi...

Digital Surveillance
SurveillanceSony SNC-RZ30 Network Camera Combining network functionality with a Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) capabil...

RFID Equipment
RFID Cards, SurveillanceCSS sells a series of contactless readers that are suitable for a wide variety of applications. These readers ar...

Case Studies
SurveillanceThe following case studies are available: New World Tower CLP HK HKA Traffic Control HK Int'l Ter...

Portable Jammers
JammersPJS 9+ JAMMING SYSTEM FOR GSM The new PJS9+ is a high power, 50 watt, portable electronic count...

Surveillance / Counter Surveillance
SurveillanceCSS offers tailored security solutions to Police, Special Task Forces, Army, Air force, Navy and Law Enforcement...

Standard Phone Jammers
JammersCTN105 BRIEFCASE CELLULAR TELEPHONE JAMMER The CTN105 is a briefcase-mounted jamming system des...

Public Telephony & Internet Cards
RFID CardsPrepaid telephone card/ scratch card are the most desired and common product in card industry. The cards are pro...

Cards For Mobile Operators
RFID CardsSIM represents the only controllable network element in the hands of the wireless customer; it is the operators'...

Promotional & Membership Cards
RFID CardsPromotional phone cards are a unique and effective business marketing tool for creating brand recognition. Logo,...

Plain/Blank Cards
RFID CardsBlank White Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC)/Plastic (ABS) Cards - Polished Surface Front / Polished Surface Rear - Rea...

Medical X-Ray
MedicalCSS-Dongmun portable x-ray unit are intended for heavy-duty operation, performing all basic radiographic proced...

Public Service Vehicles
VehiclesCSS has developed strong partnerships with product and service providers that share the same vision of exceeding...

Enforcement Gear
Police/Sp. ForcesCSS offers tailored security solutions to Government Organizations, Special Task Forces, Army, Air force, Navy, ...

Police Tactical Gear
Police/Sp. ForcesCSS offers tailored security solutions to Government Organizations, Special Task For...

Police Gunsight
Police/Sp. ForcesCSS offers tailored security solutions to Government Organizations, Special Task Forces, Army, Air force, Navy, ...

Police/Sp. ForcesCSS offers tailored security solutions to Government Organizations, Special Task For...

Police & Special Force Gear
Police/Sp. ForcesCSS offers tailored security solutions to Police, Special Task Forces, Army, Air for...

TAGIT SA – Electronic Article Surveillance
EAS, SurveillanceCSS has partnered with Tagit SA Group – a high-tech private Multi-National company with headquarters in Switz...

Civil Transport Helicopter Mi-8MTV-1
VehiclesFor Sale: Civil Transport Helicopter Mi-8MTV-1(Mi-17-1V) with overhauled main components and new planner of year...

Digital Chart Plotters
Air/Marine700C Digital Chart Plotter with 7” color Display-DU68-07P super TFT LCD, 640X480 pixel. TOUCH screen mode. 200...

Professional Offshore Spirit Patrol Boats
Air/MarineCSS Pakistan has ventured with Blue-Spirit a Dutch company that specializes in Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats for t...

EOD/De-Mining Robots
EOD, Police/Sp. ForcesINSPECTOR FOR SPECIAL MISSIONS The INSPECTOR robot can replace men in situations when human life or healt...

Portable X-Ray Detector X-Spector
EOD, Police/Sp. ForcesX-Spector is the revolutionary fully digital portable X-ray solution to improve threat identification. Fully sec...

CSS Security Audit
SurveillanceHOW SAFE IS YOUR ORGANIZATION? 1. Are your protection methods good enough to thwart the highest levels of spi...

EOD, Police/Sp. ForcesIED-Disruptor EDS-11 is an improved breach IED disruptor designed as a means of disrupting thin walled IEDs....

Body Cooling System (ECS-2)
Police/Sp. ForcesECS-2 Body Cooling System is designed to remove body heat in high heat environment. The system circulates water ...

Digital Displays for Radar and Plotter Line
Air/MarineGEM Elettronica marine Digital Line Displays (DLD) are the perfect companion for a Radar Box, and now it’s even ...

Marine Digital Color Radars 15”
Air/MarineMarine Digital Color Radars 15'' ATA (Mini ARPA) LD-1504/4/M Marine radar complete of waterproof color Dis...

Marine Digital Color Radars 19”
Air/MarineMARINE DIGITAL COLOR RADARS 19” ATA (MINI ARPA) Marine Radar 19'' LD-1804/4/M Marine radar complete of wat...

Marine Digital Color Radars 23”
Air/MarineLEONARDO RADAR BOX DIGITAL LINE X-BAND Marine Digital Color Radar 23'' LD-2310 RK/4/AC Marine radar comple...

Gyrocompass System
Air/MarineGYROCOMPASS POLARIS MK3-D - Digital master compass MB20MK3 - Interface unit IU45-10 - Control Unit / Bridge R...

Articulating Video Borescope
EOD, Police/Sp. ForcesCSS Pakistan has teamed up with RF System Lab to deliver you the VJ-Advance Articulating Borescope. It is the mo...

Ultra-Compact Handheld Thermal Night Vision Cameras
SurveillanceCSS Pakistan in association with FLIR is proud to present Ultra-Compact Handheld Thermal Night Vision Cameras. ...

Aircraft Spare Parts
Air/MarineCSSPakistan currently has the spare parts for the following Aircraft readily available: Here's a list of ...

Aircraft Seat Belts
Air/MarineCSSPakistan has partnered with Aviation Safety Products (ASP) - Product Manufacturer and FAA Certified Repair St...

Military Medical Emergencies
Police/Sp. ForcesCSSPakistan has teamed up with Prometheus Medical - a leading supplier of pre-hospital emergency medical equipme...