Visor Under Vehicle Surveillance System
The Visor Under Vehicle Surveillance System, (VUVSS) is a new, portable, competitively priced and state-of-the-art surveillance system which provides the operator both an effective method of searching the under-side of a road vehicle for concealed items.
Visor has various applications, including searching for concealed explosive devices, persons, firearms and drugs or other contraband. Within seconds of a vehicle passing over visor the five high definition colour cameras used within the system provide the operator with a single color image of the entire underside of the vehicle. Its easy-to-use user interface allows the operator to study the image from all angles and can be zoomed in to study areas of particular interest.
The portable Visor comes as a complete system and can be deployed in minutes from the trunk of a car. It can be permanently mounted and is powered by a 12v car battery or by mains power.