The INSPECTOR robot can replace men in situations when human life or health is endangered.
In its class, the inspecting and neutralising (EOD/IEDD) INSPECTOR robot is distinguished by its great lifting capacity and the ability to travel in difficult terrain and to overcome its uneven surface and high obstacles.
Typical Usage:
- Inspection, transportation and neutralisation of hazardous material.
- Support for counterterrorist operations.
- High-risk hazardous environments missions.
- Building protection and supervision.
- Cooperation with the EXPERT or other robot.
Basic Features of INSPECTOR Robot
- Width of the mobile base enables to drive through standard doors (70 cm) and to move around the interiors of residential and office buildings.
- The robot is powered by batteries installed inside the mobile platform or through a cable plugged into the 230V power network.
- The maximum operation time when powered by batteries is 2 to 8 hours (depending on the operations).
- During the external power supply (by cable) the batteries are automatically recharged.
- INSPECTOR is equipped with 4 cameras: on the gripper, in back and front of the robot and on the manipulator (the main camera which may be turned completely around by 360° and 90° up and down).
- Special driving system reduces recoil effect when firing the pyrotechnical disrupter or in case of explosion of the load placed in the gripping device or its vicinity.
- The manipulator is equipped with:
- manipulator arms extreme position sensors,
- position sensors in main manipulator’s degrees of freedom,
- gripping force sensor,
- sockets for fixing of so-called ‘whiskers’ on the gripper’s master jaw (for visual estimation of distance),
- an omni directional microphone.
- The operator’s post is equipped with three LCD monitors, which show, apart from the view from chosen camera, a graphic interpretation of the manipulator arm and front caterpillars configuration.
- Time of the operation when powered by batteries of the operator’s post together with the console is approximately 4 hours, and the portable console gives 3 hours additionally, what guarantees total 7 hours of the operation.
- Robot can be controlled by radio or by cable.
- Control cable is light and mechanically resistant.
- Fluent velocity control of all the drives from 0 to maximum speed ensures high precision of operation. There is a possibility of the reduction of maximal velocity allowing precision of performed operations (after pushing an appropriate button, the maximum velocity reduces itself to 20%).
- Audio signal of emergency situations in the control console alerts operator in case of irregularity in robot’s function.
- Illuminated keyboard of the control console enable to control in the dark.
Unique Features of INSPECTOR Robot
- The INSPECTOR can tow vehicles left in any gear of a mass of up to 1500 kg.
- Front caterpillars (remote control of tilt angle) increase traction abilities, longitudinal stability and enable smooth motion on stairs, as well as highly uneven terrain.
- The manipulator is able to lift 30 kg on extended arms and 60 kg on folded arms.
- The turn of the manipulator’s base amounts as much as 400°.
- Constant spatial orientation of the object placed in the gripper, irrespective of the movement of other manipulator arms, enables precision manipulation of hazardous devices.
- Control system of the robot enables to control all of its drives at the same time.
- A program for automatic folding of the manipulator down to a transport position speeds up and makes easier preparing the robot for transport.